What is Mind Mapping?

Mind Mapping is a terrific way to organize your thoughts, ideas, enhance creativity and improve memory. It’s based on a central idea with branches and sub-branches. Mind Mapping is a great tool for visual learners; as you can see how all the ideas relate to each other taking into consideration context and associations.

Also, you can utilize colors, shapes, images; links and attachments highlight ideas, prioritize and provide more meaning.

Mind Mapping can be done simply by using a pencil and paper or using software tools.

“I wish I would have learned Mind Mapping as a student!”

-Sean Mitton

There are many applications for Mind Mapping that can be used both in school and outside the classroom. This is a skill that you will benefit from all through your life. Mind maps can be created by students, parents, teachers and anyone who wants to learn. (I would add here: anyone who wants to learn and find the best way to learn.)

This website will teach you the mechanics, introduce you to many applications and help you educationally, professionally and personally.