The Problem With Postdocs and Science Academia (aka Should I Get A PhD?)

A occupation in science academia is … grand and prestigious. You walk in hallowed dormitories, work with the best subconscious in lily-white laboratories solving the most complex and significant the challenges of our day. You do lots of research, then one day you’ll become a prof with a leather-bound bench, oak panelled bureau, lots of journals, lots of money and an important body of work. Wake up people! Sadly, it doesn’t ever happen like this. In fact, it rarely does. Determine, the complicated( and candidly crappy) course to becoming a scientist is forcing many of the best people out of science. And who is the first to lead? Yup, ladies, minorities and low-toned socio financial groups. Which is why science looks like this- old-fashioned lily-white dudes. BEC But how did it going to be this mode? Isn’t science supposed to be about the search for actuality, irrespective of who you are and where you come from? Jayde Well , no.

See, most people who engage a PhD in science do so with the intent of get a undertaking in academia, specifically as a faculty member. But in nearly all STEM related fields, you can’t get a faculty-level rank at a university without doing postdoc duty. What is post-doc duty? It’s research that you do after your doctorate, hence the call( post – doc ). Post-doc work is essentially like doing a scientific apprenticeship or as Drake would suppose- starting from the bottom. Universities who hire post-doc researchers often use them as grunts- they are the ones actually conducting ventures, recording data and simply all and all deal with the boring and tedious specific areas of being a scientist. Along with grad students( Phds)- postdocs are often the primary writers on many studies. But post doc work is extremely low compensating, considering you’ve just expend 10 times get a damn PhD. Payments are often paid as stipends, with the amount to be prepared by NIH’s National Research Service Awards, and start at around $43,000. Which is roughly $10,000 less than you’d make as McDonalds store manager.

But at least McDonalds store directors get benefits. Postdocs are often contractors, hired on for one to three years at a time, which means they don’t get benefits and their jobs aren’t assure. Certainly the AIM is to get a more secure and well compensating faculty rank after a post doc- but because universities are handing out more pHD’s then there are faculty jobs- researchers often move around from post doc to post doc for 10 times or more. And all these years of pipetting substances and data recording doesn’t provide many real world knowledge that would be useful if you wanted to leave academia. So many promising scientists are trapped in this cycle of low-toned compensating, insecure, menial duty – despite having 10 years of college and college obligation behind them. This is right around the time the’re in their late 20 s or early 30 s and are maybe trying to start a family or buy a home – but they can; t because their undertaking might mean they have to move to a entirely new metropoli at the demise of the year, at their expenses. The Post doc system is affecting the scientists themselves.

A analyse from the University of California Berkley showed that nearly half of science PhD students were clinically depressed- quoting factors like occupation expectations, living conditions, financial confidence as sources of fear. And, as mentioned- it also keeps the lily-white, wealthy, male status quo in science academia- as ladies( particularly ladies from minorities or low-toned socioeconomic backgrounds) are often forced to leave their post doc if they require to have a family because there’s no maternity leave and not sufficient money to cover the cost of minors. BEC Okay, so post doc are bad for early jobs scientists. But how does the post doc planned blow science itself? Jayde For starters, the length of these words may not be enough for the researchers to do the most exhaustive research. They need to publish in order to secure a permanent science undertaking, and they are required and they need to publish before their two time contract is up.

Chop chop! Secondly, by rigging the system this mode: by undervaluing hard work, the smart, entrepreneurial subconscious- the ones who can solve complex real-world troubles, many of these promptly have found that the work is bad and the compensate is sh* t and their future prospects are restriction … and they take their skills elsewhere, where they are better remunerated and have can advance their jobs promptly. Ie, They leave academia to work in the commercial job market. BEC So if we are seeking to captivate these young, enthusiastic, problem solving subconscious and keep them in the future of science, post-docs need a better situation. But how do we do that? Jayde That’s where you guys come in! What do you guys belief? How can we get a better conditions for post doc; the backbone of and future of scientific research. Should the government demonstrate more money to scientific research, if we are to be able pay them better? Or should universities be restriction the amount of post-docs they have working on a project so that the few post doc they have can have better conditions? Should we purpose the PhD or drastically change it? Tell us know in specific comments below! HI everyone! I’m Jayde Lovell, tenant science nerd at the Young Turks Network.

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Mind Mapping Book Recall: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Last week you may have finished a terrific book, but let me ask you, what do you remember about the book?

  • What were the key ideas?
  • Are key ideas related to each other?
  • What did you feel about things that are most relevant to you?
  • Were there any statistics that stood out?
  • Were there interesting quotes to recall?
  • Do you remember any story or examples that are related to key ideas in the book?
  • Did the author recommend any other sources that were relevant to the topic?
  • Was there a memorable photo?

What if you were to create a Mind Map of the key ideas in the book? In many ways, a book is naturally laid out for a Mind Map sometimes by identifying the sections of the book as well as the chapters. It’s a terrific we to organize thoughts an prioritize ideas, stories, facts and key quotes.


If we used a book like Steven Covey’s “7 Habits for Highly Effective People” we could think about organizing the information: first by sections which would be Main branches, then creating sub-branches which would be Chapters.

For each Chapter, that is the key ideas to support those ideas we could include stories, quotes, statistics, and images.

One of the Chapters that always resonated with me was “Seek first to understand then to be understood”. There was a memorable story of a parent whose kids were out of control running around in a subway. At first glance, one might think or not believe that the father was doing enough to discipline his kids. What Mr. Covey learned was that kids Mother had just passed away. It was a very powerful story that supported the main idea.

Every time I review the Mind Map it provides a quick reminder of the book in which I had invested a few hours to read and occurred about 10 years ago.

A Mind Map is a great refresher for books and information that are meaningful to us!


Why Question Based Mind Mapping?

One of the lessons that I’ve learned during my Mind Map journey is that the better questions that you ask the more effective your Mind Mapping will be.

This can be applied in many different ways? A small sample of questions could include:

  • How will I organize my class notes?
  • How do I want to structure my essay?
  • In tests or exams, what area are my strengths, what are my weaknesses?
  • What colors or shapes do I want to use to strengthen my recall of information?
  • In group work, how will we divide the work and how do we create a project plan?
  • How can I use Mind Maps for a research project and as the best way to organize my information?

Outside of school, I experienced the power of asking better questions through:

  • Technology Sales career
  • Co-authoring a hockey book
  • In preparation for being interviewed by the media
  • In preparation for interviewing over 100 people including Wayne Gretzky
  • Organizing a Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research
  • Designing websites
  • Public speaking
  • Writing articles
  • Goal setting
  • Writing business plans

One thing to keep in mind is that WE don’t always have to know the right questions. That’s why it’s important to be resourceful and find other sources to find those questions.  Those resources can be online, as well as people we know like our family and friends  and people that we don’t know who may be experts in their field.

“The wise man doesn’t give the right answers, he poses the right questions. “

Claude Levi-Strauss

We will look and discuss many different applications of Mind Maps and think about what types of questions we want to ask. Also, there will be unique Mind Map Series interviewing individuals from many different fields.

What is Mind Mapping?

Mind Mapping is a terrific way to organize your thoughts, ideas, enhance creativity and improve memory. It’s based on a central idea with branches and sub-branches. Mind Mapping is a great tool for visual learners; as you can see how all the ideas relate to each other taking into consideration context and associations.

Also, you can utilize colors, shapes, images; links and attachments highlight ideas, prioritize and provide more meaning.

Mind Mapping can be done simply by using a pencil and paper or using software tools.

“I wish I would have learned Mind Mapping as a student!”

-Sean Mitton

There are many applications for Mind Mapping that can be used both in school and outside the classroom. This is a skill that you will benefit from all through your life. Mind maps can be created by students, parents, teachers and anyone who wants to learn. (I would add here: anyone who wants to learn and find the best way to learn.)

This website will teach you the mechanics, introduce you to many applications and help you educationally, professionally and personally.